- Uproar now has a full ”Dukes of Hazzard’ Paint job!
Depite the gloomy weather forecasts, the 8 Impalas racing in the Garmin Hamble Winter Series got a race in yesterday – after a few hours under AP in the blazing sunshine.
Vlad the Impala and Curved Air decided to head for home as there was no sign of the breeze filling in – only for Vlad to do a quick U-turn and hammer back to the start line under engine as the AP came down.
A close startline saw Voodoo OCS – and Imptish was spotted with a fender hanging over the side – an oversight or planning on an aggressive start – who knows!
Uproar pushed Polly hard around the short course, holding off Two Frank until the final 100 yards of the final beat, with Imptish not far behind.
Halfway through the series and there’s a break next weekend. Here’s hoping that the weather gods don’t punish us for the unseasonal warmth so far!