Monkey Business - photo RTI/Paul Wyeth
Congratulations to all the Impala crews who made it Round the Island on Saturday in extremely challenging conditions – and in particular to the crew of Patriot Games, which was the first Impala home, followed by Burhou, Polly and Curved Air. See the full extracted results below.
The race started in 20-25 knots of SW’ly, with the huge fleet crossing tacks in a lumpy Solent. Patriot Games and Burhou started at the island end of the line and gained an early lead, which they held for the rest of the race. This leg saw a few retirees, including the unfortunate Monkey Business, who was going like a train until she lost her rig somewhere off Newtown. Huge swells at the Needles and Hurst narrows made for testing conditions, with most boats opting for the route outside the wreck of the Varvassi. A broad reach to St Cats and an exciting run to Bembridge, with boat speeds in the teens kept everyone on their toes, before a brisk beat up the edge of Ryde Sands gave the muscles, on Polly at least, a bit of a workout.
Well done to everyone who braved the early morning drizzle and rain – and see you next weekend for the nationals for which the long range forecast is warm, light winded and summery!
Sail No Boat Name O/A – Grp – Class
GBR9503 PATRIOT GAMES 18 11 10
GBR9597 BURHOU 20 12 11
GBR9500 POLLY 55 28 18
GBR9578 CURVED AIR 88 41 24
GBR9501 TRUDI 130 59 8
GBR9553 CELERITY 140 65 35
GBR 9609 ZULU 199 88 17